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Jibe Studios Covid-19 Guidelines and Procedures


Jibe Studios COVID-19 Policy and Procedures is designed to provide comfort and confidence to both staff and students that their well being is our top priority.  Please read through the below information, to understand how to restart your classes with us. Please read ALL these following points. These are responses to ensure Jibe Studios is COVID-safe.  Please note that by choosing to attend classes at Jibe Studios, you are agreeing to abide by the following conditions/procedures.

By attending the studio class(es)you agree that: 

-You have not travelled overseas in the past 14 days.-You have not been in contact with someone who is suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19 in the past 14 days.

-You are feeling well and do not have a fever, sore throat or shortness of breath.


•Our class capacity meets the allocated 6ft  rule and limits us to 30 people in the building (maximum)  to adhere to social distancing.  Our classes will be limited to 8-10 students per class and 1 instructor. 

•The Studio floors are marked with allocated spaces for students to remain within for the duration of the class.

•The students will not share apparatus nor will any instructors.

We ask that you limit bathroom use.  We will allocate one (1) bathroom to students for last minute needs and another bathroom for our staff.

The drinking fountain may only be used to fill water bottles. 



•If you have a sore throat, cough, fever or are feeling at all unwell STAY AT HOME. We reserve the right to refuse you entry to classes if you arrive and are unwell or suspend you from the studio if the above conditions aren’t followed.  If you feel the onset of flu-type symptoms such as fever, runny nose, cough, shortness of breath, please stay away from the studio until your symptoms have resolved. If you develop these symptoms after being at the studio, please also inform us immediately.

•Please wait in your car prior to class. You will know it is time to drop your child off when the previous class/parents are no longer on the waiting deck. 

•The seats will be removed from the lobby  and students will be entering the studio as usual•Please maintain 6 foot distancing at all times. 

•When students enter the lobby, they will  say “hi” to a Jibe Studios Team Member who will sign each student in digitally, offer hand sanitizer and direct them into the correct dance room.

.•The cubbies will be removed from the studio, so please exit the car ready to dance with no additional items.

.•There will be no seats in the lobby/dance rooms to eliminate congregating. 

.•We will release students one class at a time through the double doors.  Please keep your social distancing while you wait and leave promptly so the staff has time to prepare for the following class.

Students may bring a water bottle and a change of shoes into the studio.  Other belongings will not be permitted.



Class structure has been altered to adhere to social distancing guidelines. Rehearsals will be 35  minutes long, with a  10 min break between classes.  This will alleviate congestion, as well as, give Jibe Team members time to clean between classes.

The floors of each room will be outlined with tape, to highlight and remind students of where they may move during class. 

Please do not linger in the studio after class.  

Instructors will no longer be allowed to use contact to help instruct students. 

The Jibe Team has been re-trained on ways to connect students while still keeping the social distancing order in effect.

At Jibe Studios, your health and well-being is important to us and we will continue to be extra vigilant with our cleaning of equipment and the studio in general, with all contact points being cleaned systematically. 



•Client attendance is recorded for every class.

•Details are kept on record, as usual, in our Studio Management Software (Dance Studio Pro).

•If we become aware that someone with a case of COVID-19 has been on our premises, we will take the appropriate steps to stop the spread.

.•We will regularly review our COVID-19 risk management controls and safety and health issues, in consultation with staff, and assess and decide whether any changes or additional control measures are required.

•Any student or team member who presents any symptoms of COVID-19 will politely be asked to leave the studio. Any team member has the ability to make this decision and will be respected by all members within the team. 

•If a student is considered vulnerable, they should consult with their doctor prior to commencing activities within the studio. 

By returning to Jibe Studios, you are agreeing to follow the above guidelines. Jibe Studios cannot prevent you or your child(ren) from being exposed to, contracting or spreading Covid-19. It is not possible to prevent the presence of a virus or disease.

By entering the studio, I hereby choose to accept the risk of contracting Covid-19 in order to participate in studio. Jibe Studios’ services are of such value to me that I accept all potential risks associated with dancing in person and release Jibe Studios, Jibe Studios, LLC and all employees of any and all liability.

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