There has been an article circulating for awhile now called, “ Why I don’t pay for dance anymore.” The article is written by Shad Martin, a dad who kept getting asked by friends why he paid so much money for dance. The article goes on to state various benefits that dance provides and concludes with “I don't pay for dance, I pay for the opportunities that dance provides my daughters to develop attributes that will serve them well throughout their lives and give them the opportunity to bless the lives of others. From what I have seen so far I think it is a great investment!”
This got me thinking… I know all the benefits a dance education provides. I have lived it. I have had a front row seat to watch all the growth of our students for over 13 years. But what do Jibe parents think? Do they see all that Jibe offers their child? So I asked. And by the way… I was blown away! We have always known that we have had amazing families at Jibe. This is part of what makes Jibe so great. But what I didn’t realize is how much Jibe parents truly understood our mission.
I sent some parents the article and asked them to read it and reflect on their experience with Jibe. I then asked them to submit some reasons that they do not pay for Jibe. So here it is…
I don't pay for dance at Jibe.
I pay for the confidence she's gained and the friendships she's built.
I pay to gift them with the ability to proudly stand in front of a crowd
I pay to afford them the opportunity to learn to be adaptable and that the "show must go on" both on stage and in life when they face unexpected scenarios
I pay for the positive energy that comes from Jibe teachers
I pay for experiences that make her realize that she has to work hard and to keep working hard even when it’s challenging
I pay for a place to develop so much self-confidence that not only shows when on stage, but in other avenues in life.
I pay for my child to have a second home where I know they are loved, held to high behavior standards, and encouraged to learn from their mistakes.
I pay for my child to be confident in their bodies' abilities, no matter what shape or size they are.
I pay for my child to learn how to speak up and ask questions when they don't understand something.
I pay for my child to develop grit in a safe space so in the future she can face challenges with confidence and determination.
I pay for my child to learn that improvement isn't a steady path but rather a rollercoaster.
I pay for my child to increase confidence and communication skills on and off the dance floor.
I pay for an outlet for self-expression and creativity.
I pay for my child to develop friendships with people of various ages who aren't in their school social circle.
I pay for my child to learn how to work hard as an individual and a teammate.
I pay for my child to use healthy exercise to let out frustrations, anxiety, and insecurities.
I pay for opportunities to be part of a team with similar core values.
I pay for chances to have fun with a wonderful group of young people that lift each other up in praise during each class and performance.
I pay for the opportunity to be part of a team and accountable to adults and peers alike.
I pay for the opportunity to graciously accept and use constructive criticism from adults other than family members.
I pay for a home away from home. Over the past 10 years, Jibe is not only her dance studio, it's her dance family.
Can you imagine? All of this. From a dance class. The benefits of dance reach far beyond the dance floor. Dance is not just about twirling around in sparkly outfits. It’s not just one more stop on a carpool route. Dance is a tool to develop crucial life skills, an investment to create amazing people. A vehicle to propel a child to an incredible future. This has always been our vision. We are beyond blessed to have the honor of working with such supportive families that can see it.
#jibestudios #danceclasses #whydance #benefitsofdance #letsmakethe2020sadecadeofdance #adecadeofdance